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- Hybrid TCXO
Hybrid TCXO
Our Hybrid TCXOs achieve excellent frequency stability of ±20 ppb over a wide temperature range of -40 to 105°C. This high-end TCXO is an integrated solution combining Rakon’s proprietary Mercury+™ ASIC technology with a built-in heating control system.
The 7 x 5 mm form factor Hybrid TCXO delivers a low frequency sensitivity to temperature slope (1 ppb/°C max.), together with low phase noise and long-term stability performances.
Applications: 5G RRHs, small cells, optical networks, microwave transmission systems.
Country of origin: New Zealand
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Product Name | Image | Package Size (LxWxH) | Nominal Frequency (Fn) | Frequency Stability (FvT) | Temperature Range (°C) | Long Term Stability | Phase Noise (P/N) | Contact Sales |
RTH7050EA |
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7.5 x 5.5 x 3.3 mm | 10 to 50 MHz | ≤±5 ppb | -40 to 95 °C |
±0.5 ppb/day ≤±4.6 ppm/20 years |
Typ. P/N @10 MHz -114 dBc/Hz @100 Hz -160 dBc/Hz @10 kHz -160 dBc/Hz @1 MHz |
Contact Rakon |
RTH7050PA |
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7.5 x 5.5 x 3.3 mm | 10 to 50 MHz | ≤±20 ppb | -40 to 105 °C |
≤±0.3 ppm/year ≤±3.0 ppm/10 years ≤±4.6 ppm/20 years |
Typ. P/N @19.2 MHz -137 dBc/Hz @100 Hz -158 dBc/Hz @10 kHz -158 dBc/Hz @1 MHz |
Contact Rakon |
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