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High Stability OCXO

Our High Stability OCXOs (HSOs) are also known as “Ground Ultra Stable Oscillators (USOs)”. They are ideally suited to the high stability frequency requirements of calibration and metrology laboratories, as well as other applications requiring high performance reference oscillators like masers, cryogenic fountains or high performance ground stations. 

Applications: reference oscillators for laboratories, masers, ground stations and atomic fountains.

Country of origin: France


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Product Name Image Package Size (LxWxH) Nominal Frequency (Fn) Stability Class Temperature Range (°C) Long Term Stability Phase Noise (P/N) Contact Sales
HSO14 73 x 135 x 84 mm 5 to 10 MHz


0 to 50 °C ≤±50 ppt/day
≤±1.5 ppb/month
≤±10 ppb/year
≤±50 ppb/10 years
Max. P/N @5 MHz
-150 dBc/Hz @10 Hz
-157 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-160 dBc/Hz @1 kHz
Contact Rakon
HSO13 67 x 60 x 40 mm 5 to 10 MHz


0 to 50 °C ≤±50 ppt/day
≤±1.5 ppb/month
≤±10 ppb/year
≤±50 ppb/10 years
Max. P/N @5 MHz
-150 dBc/Hz @10 Hz
-157 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-160 dBc/Hz @1 kHz
Contact Rakon
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