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High Reliability Space OCXO

The high reliability Space OCXO series is designed and manufactured following MIL standards.  Designed for space applications, the key advantages of these OCXOs are their remarkable overall frequency stability vs. temperature range, which can offer stabilities as low as ±0.5 ppb under vacuum, as well as their long-term stabilities. The SWaP-optimised mini Ultra Stable Oscillators (USO) add to this a small form factor and low power consumption. The RK4 series is free from export regulations (ITAR free).

Applications: transponders, GNSS receivers, digital cards, down and up converters, onboard calculators, synthesizers, Frequency Generation Units (FGUs), navigation and positioning systems, gyroscopes and master clocks.

Country of origin: France (RK4 series), India (ROX-S series)


Country of origin: France.

Our Hi-Rel products made in France follow MIL and ECSS standards for product design and testing. Our facilities in France are Hi-Rel ISO 9001:2015 and EN 9100:2018, as well as ESA CoQ 333C and ESA CoQ 334C certified. 

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Product Name Image Package Size (LxWxH) Nominal Frequency (Fn) Stability Class Temperature Range (°C) Allan Deviation (ADEV) Long Term Stability Phase Noise (P/N) Contact Sales
RK410 99 x 88 x 54 mm 5 to 10 MHz


0 to 60 °C
-20 to 60 °C
-30 to 60 °C
1 - 10s: 2 x 10-13 ≤±20 ppb/year
≤±50 ppb/15 years
Max. P/N @10 MHz
-122 dBc/Hz @1Hz
-140 dBc/Hz @10 Hz
-145 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-146 dBc/Hz @1 kHz
Contact Rakon
RK409AV 60 x 60 x 32 mm 10, 10.23, 10.24 MHz


-10 to 60 °C
-25 to 65 °C
-30 to 70 °C
1s: 2.5 x 10-13 ≤±30 ppb/year
≤±200 ppb/15 years
Typ. P/N @10 MHz
-142 dBc/Hz @10 Hz
-151 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-156 dBc/Hz @10 kHz
Contact Rakon
RK409GP 50 x 55 x 30 mm 10 to 50 MHz 10-9 -10 to 60 °C
-20 to 70 °C
-40 to 70 °C
1s: 6 x 10-13 ≤±50 ppb/year
≤±300 ppb/18 years
Typ. P/N @10 MHz
-141 dBc/Hz @10 Hz
-154 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-157 dBc/Hz @10 kHz
Contact Rakon
RK408 40 x 66 x 20 mm 10 to 120 MHz


-5 to 60 °C
-20 to 70 °C
-40 to 70 °C
1s: 5 x 10-12 ≤±100 ppb/day
≤±300 ppb/18 years
Max. P/N @10 MHz
-130 dBc/Hz @10 Hz
-165 dBc/Hz @1 kHz
-165 dBc/Hz @10 kHz
Contact Rakon
RK407 25 x 25 x 17 mm 10 to 130 MHz


-40 to 70 °C
-40 to 85 °C
1s: 5 x 10-11 ≤±5 ppb/day
≤±0.3 ppm/year±1 ppm/10 years
Max. P/N @45 MHz
-95 dBc/Hz @10 Hz
-145 dBc/Hz @1 kHz
-152 dBc/Hz @10 kHz
Contact Rakon
Country of origin: India

Our Hi-Rel products made in India are ideally suited to the domestic market, but are available outside India on request.

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Product Name Image Package Size (LxWxH) Nominal Frequency (Fn) Stability Class Temperature Range (°C) Long Term Stability Phase Noise (P/N) Contact Sales
ROX5050S 50 x 50 x 34 mm 10 to 10.23 MHz


-20 to 70 °C ≤±1 ppb/day
≤±30 ppb/year
≤±250 ppb over life
Typ. P/N @10 MHz
-140 dBc/Hz @10 Hz
-150 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-155 dBc/Hz @1 kHz
Contact Rakon
ROX5555S 55 x 55 x 35 mm 70 to 130 MHz


-10 to 60 °C ≤±1 ppb/day
≤±30 ppb/month
≤±100 ppb/year
Typ. P/N @100 MHz
-90 dBc/Hz @10 Hz
-130 dBc/Hz @1 kHz
-145 dBc/Hz @10 kHz
Contact Rakon
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