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Data Centres

With the evolution of 5G/ 5G Advanced and Industry 4.0, and with the opening up of radio access networks, data centres play a significant role in newly emerging network architectures.

Unlike traditional applications, the new applications on the data centres have stringent synchronisation requirements. Server-based DU synchronisation deployments require low-power and small-size components that can withstand the harsh environments of a data centre.

Rakon’s IC-based frequency control devices supported by XMEMS®-based resonators are resilient to shock and vibration and provide high stability performance in small form factors and at low power.

Blog: 3 reasons why nanosecond-level synchronisation is essential for handling AI workloads in data centres

Blog: 3 reasons why nanosecond-level synchronisation is essential for handling AI workloads in data centres

High stability in a small form factor

Resilient to harsh environments

Long holdover performance


Small Form Factor IC OCXOs for Data Centre Applications

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Brand Product Series Product Name Image Package Size (LxWxH) Nominal Frequency (Fn) Frequency Stability (FvT) Temperature Range (°C) Long Term Stability Phase Noise (P/N) Contact Sales
Mercury Small Form Factor IC OCXO
ROM1490X 14.2 x 9.2 x 6.5 mm 10 to 50 MHz ±1.5 ppb -40 to 95 °C ±0.2 ppb/day
≤±0.3 ppm/year
≤±2.5 ppm/20 years
Typ. P/N @10 MHz
-143 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-160 dBc/Hz @10 kHz
-160 dBc/Hz @1 MHz
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Mercury Small Form Factor IC OCXO
ROM1490E 14.2 x 9.2 x 6.5 mm 10 to 50 MHz ≤±5 ppb -40 to 85 °C ≤±0.3 ppm/year
≤±2.5 ppm/20 years
Typ. P/N @20 MHz
-135 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-158 dBc/Hz @10 kHz
-160 dBc/Hz @1 MHz
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Mercury Small Form Factor IC OCXO
ROM1490EA 14.3 x 9.1 x 5.9 mm 10 to 50 MHz ≤±10 ppb -40 to 95 °C ≤±0.3 ppm/year
≤±2.5 ppm/20 years
Typ. P/N @20 MHz
-135 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-158 dBc/Hz @10 kHz
-160 dBc/Hz @1 MHz
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Mercury Small Form Factor IC OCXO
ROM9070EA 9.7 x 7.5 x 3.9 mm 10 to 50 MHz ≤±10 to 20 ppb -40 to 95 °C ≤±0.3 ppm/year
≤±2.5 ppm/20 years
Typ. P/N @19.2 MHz
-137 dBc/Hz @100 Hz
-158 dBc/Hz @10 kHz
-158 dBc/Hz @1 MHz
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High End Telecom OCXOs for Data Centre Applications

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Brand Product Series Product Name Image Package Size (LxWxH) Nominal Frequency (Fn) Frequency Stability (FvT) Temperature Range (°C) 24 Hour Holdover Contact Sales
High End Telecom OCXO
ROX5242T1 52 x 42 x 14 mm
52 x 42 x 19 mm
5 to 12.8 MHz ≤±0.1 ppb -20 to 70 °C <1 µs Contact Rakon
High End Telecom OCXO
ROX5242T2 52 x 42 x 14 mm
52 x 42 x 19 mm
5 to 15 MHz ≤±0.2 ppb -40 to 85 °C <3 µs Contact Rakon
High End Telecom OCXO
ROX2522S3 25.4 x 22 x 12.1 mm 10 to 40 MHz ≤1 ppb pk-pk -40 to 85 °C <8 µs Contact Rakon
High End Telecom OCXO
ROX3827T3 38.1 x 27.1 x 17 mm 5 to 40 MHz ≤±1 ppb -40 to 85 °C <5 µs Contact Rakon
High End Telecom OCXO
ROX3627T3 36.5 x 27 x 19 mm
36.5 x 27 x 13.7 mm
5 to 40 MHz ≤±5 to 10 ppb -40 to 85 °C <5 µs Contact Rakon

PPS Disciplined OCXOs for Data Centre Applications

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Brand Product Series Product Name Image Package Size (LxWxH) Nominal Frequency (Fn) Frequency Stability (FvT) Temperature Range (°C) 24 Hour Holdover Contact Sales
PPS Disciplined OCXO (PPSDO)
ROD2522S2H 25.4 x 22.0 x 12.1 mm 10 to 20 MHz ≤0.5 ppb pk-pk -40 to 85 °C 1.5 µs Contact Rakon
PPS Disciplined OCXO (PPSDO)
ROD2522S2 25.4 x 22.0 x 12.1 mm 10 to 20 MHz ≤0.5 ppb pk-pk -40 to 85°C 1.5 µs Contact Rakon
PPS Disciplined OCXO (PPSDO)
ROD3827T2 38 x 27 x 12 mm 10 to 20 MHz ≤0.5 ppb pk-pk -40 to 85°C 1.5 µs Contact Rakon
PPS Disciplined OCXO (PPSDO)
ROD5242T1 52 x 42 x 14 mm 10 to 20 MHz ≤0.1 ppb pk-pk -40 to 85°C <1.0 µs Contact Rakon

TCXOs for Data Centre Applications

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Brand Product Series Product Name Image Package Size (LxWxH) Nominal Frequency (Fn) Frequency Stability (FvT) Temperature Range (°C) Long Term Stability Contact Sales
Hybrid TCXO
RTH7050EA 7.5 x 5.5 x 3.3 mm 10 to 50 MHz ≤±5 ppb -40 to 95 °C ±0.5 ppb/day
≤±4.6 ppm/20 years
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Hybrid TCXO
RTH7050PA 7.5 x 5.5 x 3.3 mm 10 to 50 MHz ≤±20 ppb -40 to 105 °C ≤±0.3 ppm/year
≤±3.0 ppm/10 years
≤±4.6 ppm/20 years
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Low g-Sensitivity TCXO
High Frequency TCXO
Ultra Stable TCXO
RTN7050A 7.0 x 5.0 x 1.5 mm 10 to 100 MHz ≤±100 to 280 ppb -40 to 105°C ≤±10 ppb/day
≤±1 ppm/year
≤±4.6 ppm/20 years
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Low g-Sensitivity TCXO
High Frequency TCXO
Ultra Stable TCXO
RTN5032A 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.75 mm 10 to 100 MHz ≤±100 to 280 ppb -40 to 105°C ≤±10 ppb/day
±1 ppm/year
≤±4.6 ppm/20 years
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Ultra Stable TCXO
RNT7050A 7.0 x 5.0 x 1.5 mm 10 to 50 MHz ≤±50 to 100 ppb
≤±100 to 200 ppb
-40 to 95 °C
-40 to 105 °C
≤±50 ppb/day
≤±1.5 ppm/10 years
Contact Rakon
Ultra Stable TCXO
RNT7050AL 7.0 x 5.0 x 2.0 mm 10 to 50 MHz ≤±50 to 100 ppb
≤±100 to 200 ppb
-40 to 95 °C
-40 to 105 °C
≤±50 ppb/day
≤±1.5 ppm/10 years
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Ultra Stable TCXO
RPT7050J 7.0 x 5.0 x 1.5 mm 10 to 40 MHz ≤±100 to 280 ppb -55 to 105 °C ≤±20 ppb/day
≤±200 ppb/month
≤±1 ppm/year
≤±3 ppm/10 years
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Ultra Stable TCXO
RPT5032J 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.75 mm 10 to 40 MHz ≤±100 to 280 ppb -55 to 105 °C ≤±20 ppb/day
≤±200 ppb/month
≤±1 ppm/year
≤±3 ppm/10 years
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Ultra Stable TCXO
RPT7050P 7.0 x 5.0 x 1.5 mm 19.2 to 40 MHz ≤±100 to 500 ppb -55 to 105 °C ≤±20 ppb/day
≤±200 ppb/month
≤±1 ppm/year
≤±3 ppm/10 years
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Ultra Stable TCXO
RPT5032P 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.75 mm 19.2 to 40 MHz ≤±100 to 500 ppb -55 to 105 °C ≤±20 ppb/day
≤±200 ppb/month
≤±1 ppm/year
≤±3 ppm/10 years
Contact Rakon

XOs for Data Centre Applications

RakonXpress is Rakon's brand of off-the-shelf oscillators, resonators and filters for quick delivery. If you require customised products with long lifecycles, we recommend Rakon-branded products instead. 

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Brand Product Series Product Name Image Package Size (LxWxH) Nominal Frequency (Fn) Frequency Stability (FvT) Temperature Range (°C) RMS Phase Jitter Contact Sales
Low Noise and Low Jitter XO
RXO2016M 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.75 mm 31.5 to 160 MHz ≤±25 to 100 ppm -40 to 105 °C 0.1~1 ps; 12 kHz to 20 MHz Contact Rakon
Low Noise and Low Jitter XO
RXO3225M 3.2 x 2.5 x 0.95 mm 13.5 to 200 MHz ≤±25 to 100 ppm -40 to 125 °C 0.1~1 ps; 12 kHz to 20 MHz Contact Rakon
Low Noise and Low Jitter XO
RXO5032M 5.0 x 3.2 x 1.2 mm 60 to 312.5 MHz ≤±15 to 50 ppm -40 to 105 °C 0.1 ps; 12 kHz to 20 MHz Contact Rakon
Low Noise and Low Jitter XO
RXO7050M 7.0 x 5.0 x 1.4 mm 13.5 to 800 MHz ≤±25 to 100 ppm -40 to 85 °C 0.1~1 ps; 12 kHz to 20 MHz Contact Rakon
Low Noise and Low Jitter XO
RXO2520P 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.8 mm 8 to 1500 MHz ≤±25 to 50 ppm -40 to 85 °C 0.5 ps; 12 kHz to 20 MHz Contact Rakon
Low Noise and Low Jitter XO
RXO2520R 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.8 mm 8 to 1500 MHz ≤±25 to 50 ppm -40 to 85 °C 1 ps; 12 kHz to 20 MHz Contact Rakon
Low Noise and Low Jitter XO
RXO2016C 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.85 mm 1.5 to 54 MHz ≤±25 to 50 ppm -40 to 125 °C 1 ps; 12 kHz to 20 MHz Contact Rakon
Low Noise and Low Jitter XO
RXO2520C 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.8 mm 0.5 to 133 MHz ≤±25 to 50 ppm -40 to 125 °C 1 ps; 12 kHz to 20 MHz Contact Rakon
Low Noise and Low Jitter XO
RXO3225C 3.2 x 2.5 x 0.9 mm 0.5 to 156.25 MHz ≤±25 to 50 ppm -40 to 125 °C 1 ps; 12 kHz to 20 MHz Contact Rakon
Standard XO
QEN09 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.8 mm 0.25 to 125 MHz ≤±25 to 100 ppm -55 to 125°C Contact RakonXpress
Standard XO
QEN08 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.9 mm 1 to 54 MHz ≤±25 to 100 ppm -40 to 85 °C Contact RakonXpress
Standard XO
QEN07 3.2 x 2.5 x 1.2 mm 0.25 to 125 MHz ≤±25 to 100 ppm -55 to 125 °C Contact RakonXpress
Standard XO
QEN05 5.0 x 3.2x 1.3 mm 0.25 to 156.25 MHz ≤±25 to 100 ppm -55 to 125 °C Contact RakonXpress
Standard XO
QEN101 7.0 x 5.0 x 1.4 mm 1 to 133 MHz ≤±25 to 100 ppm -40 to 85 °C Contact RakonXpress

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