We have a strong pioneering culture and a history of innovation ‘firsts’, raising the bar in the market in terms of product performance at smaller form factors. Here are some of the innovations that helped us grow into a leader in our industry.
2020 onwards
At the turn of the decade Rakon releases its XMEMS® technology, based on the company’s NanoQuartz™ photolithography process. XMEMS® delivers unprecedented resonator and oscillator performance in terms of stability and noise. This proprietary technology, coupled with Rakon’s own oscillator ASICs forms the foundation of Rakon’s 5G product offering. Today, Rakon is working on several ground-breaking innovations, among which a new generation of proprietary ASICs for TCXOs and OCXOs. These ASICs, coupled with new XMEMS® resonator technology, will usher in a new era of industry-leading products. Building on Rakon's heritage in the space industry, the company is further advancing into space modules and subsystems with new technology and capabilities.

The decade starts off with a milestone for Rakon, with the company announcing Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO) technology for space applications, resulting in the best possible performance by any space USO globally. This is followed by the development of the world's first and smallest Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) based OCXO, incorporating patented Mercury™ ASIC technology. Rakon keeps releasing new best-in-class products in its Ultra Stable TCXO product portfolio, and pioneers new crystal and sensor technology.
In 2001, Rakon introduces the world's smallest 0.5 ppm stability TCXO, and subsequently breaks its own record twice in the next 3 years. 2006 sees the company introduce the world’s smallest GPS radio frequency receiver module. The development of mass-volume, high-resolution temperature test systems developed in-house by Rakon delivers the specifications and quality for the company to dominate the GNSS market. This testing technology also enables the company to significantly grow its telecommunications business. During the decade Rakon takes TCXO technology to new levels, launching two Ultra Stable TCXO platforms for the telecommunications, defence and positioning markets. The development of the proprietary and patented Pluto® ASIC technology in 2007 soon leads the industry and captures new markets such as emergency locator beacons.

The 1990s start with a technology breakthrough which leads to manufacturing of Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillators (TCXOs) with previously unmatched miniaturisation and frequency stability. These 0.5 ppm TCXOs enable Rakon to capture the newly emerging GPS market. In 1995, Rakon develops a completely new oscillator with two crystals that delivers 0.1 ppm stability. By the late 90s, Rakon develops new strip crystal technology which is integrated into the new surface mount RSX crystal line. This results in the delivery of the first 0.5 ppm integrated circuit (IC) TCXO to the market.
The evolution of global communication technology pushes demand for high performance frequency control devices and Rakon successfully starts supplying the telecommunications market with TCXOs for early mobile phone applications.

In 1967, Rakon Industries Limited is incorporated by Warren Robinson. The business is founded in the garage of his Howick (Auckland, NZ) home. In the 1960s and 1970s Rakon develops channel crystals for radio telephones (in boats, taxis and other commercial vehicles). Rakon makes and develops its own unique manufacturing and test equipment, enabling products to be produced more efficiently and delivered faster than its competitors.