Crystal Resonators
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- Crystal Resonators
Our wide range of crystal resonators include high reliability space crystals (including ESA qualified crystal resonators) and MIL-PRF-3098 compliant crystal resonators. In addition, we supply automotive-grade crystal resonators for Surface Mount Devices (SMDs) in various vibration modes (fundamental, 3rd overtone and inverted mesa).
Frequently Asked Questions
What are key applications of crystal resonators?
Crystal resonators are used in many applications, including in-dash personal navigational devices; microwave backhaul networks; smart phones; tablets; GPS modules and g-sensitive defence equipment.
Why is quartz preferable for crystal resonators and oscillators?
The natural properties of quartz generate a high Q piezo electric effect and, when cut and dimensioned correctly, offer several orders of magnitude better stability than silicon. The high Q of quartz also enables the manufacturing of lower phase noise oscillators essential for high bandwidth communications. Silicon MEMS oscillators aim to mimic this using complex MEMS processing to compensate for the poorer properties of silicon, combined with multiple noise-adding and costly phase-locked loops.
What is the difference between a conventional and an XMEMS™ crystal?
Rakon’s XMEMS™ crystals are manufactured using its NanoQuartz™ process. This process achieves critical quartz dimension accuracies in the tens of nanometre range. This allows control of key resonator properties such as Q, frequency stability and unwanted modes to unprecedented levels. Read the original news release for more details on Rakon’s XMEMS products and NanoQuartz™ technology.